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Grace T. Fay

Grace is a Co-founder and editor of Intrigue Pages. She holds a bachelor's degree in psychology and has previously worked as a researcher and copy editor. She co-founded Intrigue Pages due to an insatiable desire to reignite a seemingly long-abandoned hobby – starting a blog and writing about her favorite topics. Now that she has decided to write on her blog, she uses her free time to write her heart out and tailors it to what she knows best: writing about women's wins and struggles. Her thoughtful articles are geared towards celebrating the scope of women's lives – from self improvement to culture content that enrich and drive important conversations. When she's not writing, she's out and about enjoying gardening, cooking, and getting lost in her favorite books.

How to Survive Recession Without Sacrificing Your Mental Health

Surviving a recession. Living in a world where financial security forms a routine that affects our mental well-being.

While we’re busy tightening our purse strings and strategizing our financial survival, we often forget about the well-being of our mental state. Surviving a recession economically is only half the battle. We need to also tend to our mental wellbeing…

Step-by-step Guide to Overcoming Chronic Procrastination

How to Overcome Chronic Procastination

We are all too familiar with those moments when we’ve avoided doing something we didn’t feel like doing and casually brushed it off as “procrastination.” But for some people, it’s more than just an occasional lazy day. Chronic procrastination becomes…

5 Natural Ways To Combat Depression

Effective ways to fight depression that actually works

Depression sucks. It zaps the color out of you, leaving you feeling lost, empty, and wondering if you’ll ever see the sun shining again. We can’t ignore the presence of mental health issues like depression. During pandemic times or economic…

Men and Women Promiscuity

TikTok, the birthplace of viral dances, comedic skits, and recently… discussions about the infamous “body count.” It’s become a common term Gen Z uses to keep tabs on how many notches one has on their bedpost.   TikTok users are proudly…

13 food and drinks to Help You Fight Bloating

Ugh, bloating—talk about an unwelcome guest. We’ve all been there, and it’s no picnic. Desperately seeking a solution to ease that uncomfortable sensation. Well, worry not. We’ve got your back (or rather, your belly)  and this time, we’re not talking…

10 Things Every Woman Should Know About Her Fertility

Our fertility, both now and in the future, is actually at its prime when we truly know it inside out. But nowadays, it seems like everywhere we turn, we’re told we don’t need to bother understanding our own fertility. We’re…

Women Shamed for Needing Men?

Really, why do we stigmatize women for needing a helping hand from men? Pretty much everywhere I scroll now on social media I stumble upon loads of dating advice and goodness, did it make me question everything we’ve been taught.…

Top 10  Healthy Foods to Include in Your Diet

Incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your daily routine can have a big impact on your overall health. And what better way to start your day off eating healthy breakfast that sets the tone for the rest of the day? But with…

Let’s End Gender War for Good

Demonizing an entire group of people is not only unfair and unproductive, but it’s also a way to get the wrong kind of attention. Instead of aiming your weapons at an entire gender, maybe it’s time to focus on specific…

Ignorance is Bliss, or Is It?

We know this saying all too well “Ignorance is bliss.” but is this really true? Many people believe they can’t be hurt by what they don’t know. Considering how certain people chose to ignore the news to improve mental health, …