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Coming Home For The Holidays: A Time for Joy or Mixed Emotions?

The holidays are synonymous with family gatherings—those moments of love, tradition, laughter, and sometimes tension. The season involves reconnecting with a patchwork of personalities: the cherished loved ones, the quirky relatives, the grouchy ones, and even those we’ve clashed with […]

How to Get Back Your “Sense of Self” As a People Pleaser

The term “people-pleaser” is so common nowadays, but do we really understand how deep this behavior runs?  People-pleasing is more than being nice or saying “sorry” too much, it’s a pattern of putting others’ needs ahead of your own, even […]

Finding Motivation Where There’s None

There were times in my life when a problem felt too much to handle, and sometimes, I wouldn’t do anything about it, I’d just let whatever I was dealing with at the time drag on a little longer until I’ve […]

5 Habits That Open Doors to Endless Opportunities

How many times have you asked yourself, “Why can’t I just finish this? Or achieve that goal?” I know that feeling, it’s a nightmare. Some of us can’t power through to achieve something even when we try, we often end […]

Why You’re Not Where You Want to Be: 9 Reasons

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was asked to speak to a group of young people at my church. Back then, I was really nervous about speaking in public – still am, actually. As I walked to the […]

How to develop unbreakable focus

5 Power Moves for Strong Focus and Crushing Distractions

Jordan Belfort articulates this quite simply but powerfully: ‘The only thing standing between you and your goal is the story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” In other words, the one thing that separates you […]

Habits that's slowly making you unattractive

10 Habits That’s Slowly Making You Ugly

When we’re young, we feel invincible and think we can get away with a lot – like smoking, excessive drinking, or sunbathing in the sun for hours on end. One bad choice leads to a series of others. We don’t […]



People Science