If You Really Want to Start Achieving Anything with Ease Say Hello to These Habits

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“It’s not what you do but what you don’t do – the things you postpone, not the things you accomplish that make you tired.” -Donna Otto

It’s hard to get anything done when you’re confused. That’s precisely when procrastination creeps in, and suddenly, you find yourself in a nail-biting race against time.

Life throws curveballs, and the chaos becomes overwhelming. We delay, we hesitate, all because we struggle to simplify our lives and make wholesome decisions. Perhaps, this perpetual quest for motivation is precisely what brought you here.

Well then, let’s get to the purpose of this post, shall we?

Allow me to start by stating the plain truth: there’s no mystical power that can instantly transform you. But what I’m about to show you is simply straightforward maneuvers to declutter your life and restore simplicity to its rightful place right now (depending on how well you receive it), and achieve your goals. After all, life should be just that. Simple.


Step Into Your Creativity

While there’s an abundant tips and guides out there on how make life easier and get things done, you still need to apply creativity to tailor them to your unique needs. Otherwise, you might struggle to find what works for you. And good news is, you can be creative when you want to.


Creativity in planning your day is about finding what works best for you and adapting your routine to suit your unique preferences and goals.


How can you manage your responsibilities efficiently? Feeling too lazy to complete your chores? Why not listen to music that will get you fired up and get to work. and say, you usually work indoors, try working outdoors for a change of scenery. Different environments can spark new ideas and prevent burnout. Experiment with different approaches until you discover a daily plan that enhances your creativity, productivity, and overall well-being.

One of the benefits of creatively planning your life is that it allows you to simplify—it’s the key to making your day-to-day existence less stressful and enjoyable. Think about it, when you’re creative, you find solutions to problems that others might complicate.

Creativity isn’t only about crafting masterpieces or tackling monumental challenges. It’s about applying creative thinking to simplify your daily existence.

And that’s the problem. We often don’t see ourselves being creative because we wrongly link creativity to complexity, but in reality, creativity is the pathway to simplicity.


Your life is a canvas, and creativity is your paintbrush. When you’re Creative, you can can weed out unnecessary tasks, delegate, and eliminate activities that don’t align with your goals. Start now by infusing creativity into the small, everyday aspects of life.



Merge Tasks

Speaking of creativity–striking a balance between the right state of mind and practical steps is key to achieving a simpler life.

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Another way to make life easier is to combine your tasks. Combining allows you to achieve two or more objectives at once.

Marilyn Vos Savant, in her book “Brain Building,” shares a nifty idea to make life simpler.

Her suggestion? Take a moment to jot down every little task on your weekend to-do list that need attention. Then, instead of tackling them one by one, go all-in with a focused, high-energy blitz. 

In a other words, combine all those small chores into a single task-busting session, and tackle them in a concentrated and exciting burst of activity—This way, you clear the decks in one fell swoop, leaving the rest of your weekend for unfettered creative pursuits. Instead of sprinkling tasks throughout your precious time off, you can devote that time to doing whatever your heart desires.

Note, combining tasks and multitasking are used interchangeably, and even though both concepts are used to increase productivity, they’re quite different.

Multi tasking typically refers to an act of juggling or handling various unrelated tasks at the same time. For example, answering emails while attending a virtual meeting is a form of multitasking. 

Combining small tasks, on the other hand, involves grouping related or quick tasks together to accomplish them more efficiently. One such example of this is; instead of making separate trips to the grocery store, post office, and bank, you might combine these errands into one trip to save time and effort. 

By combining tasks –whether it’s dropping off the kids at school, and grocery shopping– you’ve efficiently achieved multiple goals in one go. You’ve saved time, reduced stress, and simplified your day, all without compromising on your work or family commitments. This realistic and achievable approach to everyday tasks streamlines your life, leaving you with more time and less chaos.


Finish What You Started

Again it’s not the things we do that wear us out, but rather the things we start but never quite finish. 


In a conversation with a friend who, much like me, had struggled with a long-standing habit of leaving tasks incomplete, we uncovered a common issue. She would start projects left and right, but they all seemed to fizzle out before completion. Although she didn’t realize it at the time, the problem stemmed from her belief – she never saw herself as a finisher.

Then, during a casual coffee shop catch-up, she confessed this to me, which caught me off guard because she always seemed confident. In her words, she had always turned to affirmations to rewire her brain in hopes of transforming herself into someone who finishes what she starts, but it never lasts. I told her I had a similar experience, and she asked how I overcame it.

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My response? I shared a story from a business seminar I was fortunate to attend with a good friend of mine a few years back. The speaker used the analogy of a cell phone to explain affirmations. When we get a cell phone, do we learn how to use it by merely affirming “I can use a phone” all day? No, because affirmations alone can’t do it. We believe in ourselves more when we see real results – the truth – not just repeated affirmations. To believe that you’re a good finisher, start building a track record of finished tasks.

Our brains know better, we can try to affirm something, but the other side of our minds would whisper, “Liar, you know you’re not.” To change our mindset, we need to change the truth about ourselves. We believe the truth faster than we believe in empty affirmations.

I decided to act on this advice  change my belief system. To change your belief system, you need to change the truth about yourself. We believe the truth more than we believe empty affirmations. If you want to see yourself as a good finisher, start building a track record of completed tasks.”

 So I started a journal, setting small goals every day and making sure to finish them. As I filled those pages, my confidence in my ability to finish tasks soared, and finally, I had concrete evidence to prove it.

This method solidified my new belief much more than affirmations ever could. Instead of whispering “I am a great finisher” to myself, and dreading that mean voice on the other side of my head, I now have a tangible record that shouts, “Yes, you are!”

Takeaway: Stop worrying so much about what you think of yourself. Start taking action, building that track record, and proving to yourself that you can motivate yourself to accomplish whatever you set your mind to.


Your Outlook Shapes Your World

Have you noticed that when we’re feeling all warm and happiness or compassion fills our hearts, we tend to notice those very same emotions in others? 

But, flip it the other way round to moments of anger or depression, and suddenly, everyone else seems testy or downcast. It’s almost like we’re projecting our own feelings onto the world.

If you were cruising into Portland, and depending on your mood, you might either see it as a bustling, energetic city or a crowded, smoggy mess. But you’re not really describing Portland, you’re revealing your inner state at that moment.

That’s where self-motivation comes into play. It’s all about how we choose to view the world around us. We don’t see things as they truly are, we see them through the lens of our own emotions and thoughts.

In any situation, we have a choice – we can either hunt for the gold or focus on the filth. And guess what? We find what we’re looking for. The secret sauce for self-motivation? It starts with what we choose to see in the world. Are you spotting opportunities everywhere you turn?

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Colin Wilson once said,


“When I open my eyes in the morning, I am not confronted by the world, but by a million possible worlds.”


It’s a reminder that it’s up to us. Which world do we want to see today? Opportunities are the gold of life. They’re the key to happiness and personal growth. They multiply when you actively choose to see them. So, what will you look for today?

Simplifying your life is a personal journey, and it may require ongoing effort and adjustment ( it may involve different strategies for different people). Start with a few changes that resonate with you, and gradually incorporate more as you see fit to experience the benefits of a simpler, more fulfilling lifestyle.


5. Mindful Consumption: Be mindful of what you consume, whether it’s food, media, or material possessions.

6. Declutter: clear out physical clutter in your living space. Donate or sell items you no longer need.

7. Simplify Your Wardrobe: Adopt a minimalist wardrobe with versatile pieces that mix and match easily, reducing decision fatigue.

8. Set Priorities: Identify your top priorities in life and focus on them. Say no to commitments that don’t align with your goals.

9. Digital Detox: Limit screen time and declutter your digital life. Unsubscribe from unnecessary emails and organize your files. Take regular breaks from technology, social media, and enjoy moments of solitude.

10. Create Routines: if it helps, establish daily or weekly routines to reduce decision fatigue.

11. Say No: Don’t overcommit yourself Learn to say no to requests and obligations that don’t serve your well-being. Evaluate your social and work commitments and prioritize the most important ones.

12. Delegate: Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks or ask for help when needed, whether at work or home.

13. Time Management: Use time management techniques like the Pomodoro Technique or the Eisenhower Matrix.

14. Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a gratitude journal to focus on the positive aspects of life.

15. Let Go of Perfection: Understand that perfection is often unattainable and can create unnecessary stress.

16. Set Boundaries: lay clear boundaries in personal and professional relationships, learn to say no when necessary to avoid overcommitting and feeling overwhelmed.

17. Simplify  Goals: Focus on a few meaningful goals rather than spreading yourself too thin.

18. Minimalism: Embrace minimalism by owning fewer possessions, cherishing experiences over things, and focus on experiences and relationships..

19. Simplify Finances: Automate your bills, create a budget, and consider consolidating your accounts to simplify your finances.

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