AI on the Rise: Should We Be Wary? (Here’s why you shouldn’t)

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Are we on the brink of an artificial intelligence apocalypse?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making headlines since late 2022, and it seems like there’s no stopping it. Klaus Schwab, the chair of the World Economic Forum, went as far as to say that whoever masters these technologies, at some point will be the master of the world.

 And with the meteoric rise of ChatGPT, an AI chatbot trained on vast amounts of information, that future may be closer than we think.

ChatGPT has quickly become a household name, offering users personalized assistance and a friendly chat companion. But its exponential growth has some experts worried. According to analytics company Similarweb, ChatGPT broke records by reaching 100 million monthly users within few months of its launch in January 2023.

As AI continues to embed itself in our daily lives, it’s worth asking: should we be worried about the rise of AI and what it could mean for our future?

Artificial Intelligence is Gearing up to be the New BFF of Humanity, and it’s Set to Become a Significant Part of Our Daily Lives in the Next Two Decades

According to experts, within the next two decades, AI and robots are going to be a huge part of our daily lives. Another report shows how companies are starting to invest heavily in AI development, which means a lot of jobs will eventually be replaced by automated technology. And McKinsey & Company predicts that anywhere from 400 to 800 million jobs will be lost to robots by 2030.

On the bright side, AI has its advantages. It works tirelessly, it’s great at multitasking, and can absorb information much faster. But that doesn’t mean everyone is thrilled about AI taking over everything. In fact, some experts even pridict there’s a 50% chance, according to experts, that within 45 years, AI could outperform humans in every job. That’s right – every job.

Now, I’m not trying to be a doomsayer, or saying that AI is going to steal our jobs, but according to these reports, there is a chance that it could replace a lot of them.

On one hand, AI can make our lives easier by taking on challenging tasks and helping us make better decisions.

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On the other hand, we don’t want to become too dependent on it and lose our own creativity and ingenuity. What happens when AI can write books and create art just like humans can?

One thing is for sure, AI is going to change our world in ways we can’t even imagine yet. It can work continuously and multitask, making it a great productivity tool. But we need to be cautious and consider how it will impact our society in the long run.

And of course a lot of people are anxious about the potential downsides of relying too heavily on AI. After all, will we really be better off if we let robots do everything for us? What becomes human creativity and imagination when AI can write books and produce works of art just like we can?

Again, I’m not here to regurgitate the “AI will steal our jobs” mantra, but I can’t shake off the feeling that relying too heavily on AI might not necessarily lead to better outcomes for our society in the long run.

Acknowledging the fact that I’m not alone in this, as there is a widespread conversations about the implications of AI on our lives.

Some argue that AI will improve our quality of life by performing complex and menial tasks more efficiently than humans, which could make our lives easier, others are skeptical about its impact on society.

Should We Feel Nervous About the Rise of AI?

The rise of AI even in the creative sectors is on the rise and has been causing quite a stir lately. Some people are wondering if AI will change the way we approach art forever. And honestly, is that even a good thing?

Take the Lensa AI app by Prisma Labs, for example. It uses AI to turn your selfies into custom works of art and portraits. It’s built on Stable Diffusion, a machine-learning model that can produce lifelike digital images from detailed descriptions that look like canvas-like paintings, anime, or sci-fi styled designs. And boy, has it become popular! As of December 2022, it had over one million active users from all over the world using the platform to produce stunning AI portraits of their photos.

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Obviously, not everyone is thrilled with the app. Some people are criticizing it for stealing artwork from actual artists. Digital artist Meg Rae even issued a warning on social media, saying that the app is creating “magic avatars” with stolen art from actual Artists. Tony Ho Tran from The Daily Beast also weighed in, calling the Lensa app the “biggest art heist in history.”

All this controversy raises some important questions—Can AI really produce amazing works of art without the human touch and raw emotion that we value in art?

And what about the impact on human creativity and originality?

Will we stop pushing our brains to explore creativity if we let AI take over? It’s definitely something to think about as AI continues to grow and develop.

Balancing Humanity and Technology in the Age of AI

The world we live in is constantly evolving, and it’s clear that the rise of AI will play a major role in shaping our future. From our work habits to our modes of communication and even our definition of art, everything is bound to change as this technology continues to develop and integrate into our society.

But as exciting as these changes may be, we need to be careful not to let AI completely take over our lives. Learning to maintain a healthy balance between technology and humanity so as to not lose our sense of self in the process.

Imagine a world where we rely on AI for everything, even the simplest of tasks. It’s a scary thought because it could lead to a society that’s stagnant and lacks motivation. 

While we should embrace the advancements that AI brings, we also need to be mindful of how we integrate it into our lives. After all, it’s up to us to determine what kind of future we want to create for ourselves and for the generations to come.

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